School Lunches

Nutritionally balanced, locally sourced.

Our catering team serve our pupils nutritionally balanced meals every lunchtime offering meat, fish and vegetarian options, a salad bar and other healthy alternatives. The team uses locally sourced ingredients wherever possible and aim to deliver outstanding quality, every day.

In addition to main meals, the salad bar offers a selection of dishes alongside the hot lunch. This is complemented by a range of fresh, homemade soups and bread, on offer daily.

We have a dedicated team of Allergy Champions who are able to discuss the ingredients within each dish and provide guidance for pupils who require a change to the menu.

We work hard to instil a positive attitude towards food in our pupils, encouraging them to try new things and educating them on the importance of a balanced diet. We regularly have themed lunches serving different cuisines from around the globe.

An inclusive, allergy-friendly approach

At Downsend, we are committed to providing a safe and inclusive dining experience for all students, including those with food allergies and intolerances. We are proud to have achieved a 100% score in our Allergy School self-assessment, reflecting our dedication to best practices in allergy management.

Our catering team follows strict protocols to ensure that every child can enjoy their meals with confidence. By prioritising food safety and nutrition, we ensure that every child at Downsend has access to healthy, delicious meals in a supportive environment.


Lunch menus.

Our Pupil Council is consulted every term and is empowered to discuss the proposed menu and feedback their proposed changes to our leadership team.

Downsend School

Admissions: 01372 372311
General: 01372 372197