Inspiring - all day, every day.
We pride ourselves on the breadth of opportunity we provide for our young people to gain new skills. By combining this with before and after-school opportunities, we provide the best of both worlds, meeting the needs of busy parents whilst offering pupils exciting, immersive opportunities every day.
Our aim is to inspire every pupil, encouraging them to pursue and develop their individual interests and abilities, providing valuable learning experiences alongside their studies to become independent, mature individuals. Through our Enrichment Programme, we aim to develop pupils socially and to have opportunities to discover hidden talents, progress a specific skill, and to enjoy themselves whilst learning.
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Before School
Junior & Senior School.
At the Main School, Early Bird Breakfast Club is offered from 7:30am at a cost of £6.50 per day for all Junior and Senior School pupils.
Held in the Dining Hall, a healthy breakfast can be purchased from 40p.
After School
Junior School.
In the Junior School, all pupils are able to attend Junior Prep from the end of the school day until 4:20pm. Children tend to do their homework or read quietly during this time. Junior Prep is included within your fees. If you require care beyond 4pm, Junior School pupils are able to attend Extended Day until 5:45pm. Extended Day is bookable in advance at a cost of £12 per day and includes a sandwich tea.
Senior School.
In the Senior school, pupils are able to attend Supervised Study until 5:45pm. This is an opportunity for pupils to tackle their homework whilst in the presence of teaching staff. Supervised Study is bookable in advance at a cost of £12 per day and includes a sandwich tea.
Junior School
In the Junior School, clubs are offered on different days of the week depending on your child’s year group and finish at 4:50pm. Many are provided free of charge. Our Clubs Programme is designed around our Future Skills vision and offers opportunities ranging from Eco-Club, to Coding Club, to Quiz Club and Music Tech.
Take a look at our full Junior School Clubs Programme:
Senior School
In the Senior School, clubs are provided during lunchtimes and evenings, depending on the year group your child is in. Offering something for everyone, our seniors are able to take part in Podcasting, Robotics, Textiles, Eco, Badminton, Bio Art Attack and Experimental Chemistry as just a few examples.
To take a look at our full Senior School Clubs Programme:
Sports Practices.
Every year group will have dedicated evenings for sports practices which are open to every pupil to attend. Running from 4:30-5:30pm, the practice is dedicated to the sport that is being played that term and will focus on conditioning, technique, strategy and teamwork. We often use this as an opportunity to review drone footage taken at matches to review match play and discuss tactics for future games.
Music opportunities.
The opportunity to enjoy and learn a musical instrument, and be part of groups, bands or choirs is extensive. Pupils can take additional lessons through our peripatetic specialists as well as joining our rock bands, brass, string, wind or percussion groups at lunchtimes or after school.
Drama Productions.
Our Drama department produces several high quality performances every year which are performed to packed-out crowds in our Creative Arts Centre. From Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat to High School Musical and the Lion King, pupils are asked to audition for parts and then attend rehearsals both during lunchtimes and after school.